It's not about being bendy or looking hot in belly shirts!
It's about you striving to be your best you.
A Yogic Way of Life
Mmm yah, so what's that mean? Well, Yoga (with a big Y) is more than just that hour you spend on the mat. It's a set of ongoing daily practices.
Yoga incorporates movement, breath, stillness, mindset, your actions and how you regard and interact with others and the world around you. Pretty comprehensive. But also highly personalized. (It's not a one-size-fits-all t-shirt after all!)
Our Yoga's not gonna look like your Yoga. Which is awesome. Because it means you're going to get out of it what you need, and your practice can evolve as you do.
Seriously, there's a Yoga for everyone and it's easy to find ways (big and small) to fit it into your life. For some, Yoga will just be a weekly exercise class. For others, their Yoga might also include a daily meditation routine, breathwork and more.
Real Well is here to guide and support you on your yogic journey. Check back here often for new yoga-related events, blog and social media posts, guided meditations and other helpful resources. This is also where you'll find info about in-person and online (live and on-demand) classes, workshops, courses and private instruction.
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Keepin' It Real
Deepen your Yoga knowledge with these curated blog posts. Kindly show them some ❣️ (like'em and share'em, baby!).
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Please note: We're not doctors, therapists or other certified medical professionals who're qualified to assess, diagnose, treat or otherwise advise on any health issues. If you're concerned that you might have a medical condition, consult your healthcare provider. The content on this site is intended for informational, inspirational and entertainment purposes only.