Real Mall
Just some fun stuff to make your wellness routines more colorful and enticing!
A Wellness Marketplace
We're happy to bring you a collection of products that may help you on your wellness journey. Heaven knows we all need help sometimes! Anyway, explore Real Well Yogi, Real Originals and Real Recommendations. You're bound to discover something new and interesting, and it just might be a key to your wellness success. And, be sure to check back often — new things are added all the time.
Yogis’ Essentials by Real Well
Need info? Maybe some inspiration? Or maybe you want to keep track of your progress towards wellness goals?
This line of resources for yoga enthusiasts and yoga teachers id for YOU! We're starting with a few different journals (guided and non-guided), a lesson planner, and a quick reference. But you can expect the portfolio of print and digital offerings to grow over time.
Check them out! Spread the word! Show some love — thanks!
PS. We'll also be adding more print and digital download products to the mix. There'll be lots of resources to help individuals achieve personal wellness goals and to help wellness pros serve clients and continue their own development. Something for everyone! #winning
Yogis’ Essentials Journals & Resources​
The Real Well Yogi
Looking for some all-natural, handmade, small-batch products to help care for your yoga gear? Try CLEANSE, WASH and FRESHEN.​ Hover over each product for more info, including ingredients and price.
To order, please contact us. We'll determine the final cost (gotta add in shipping!) based on the items you're buying and your location. Hint, discounts for multiple purchases and possibly lower S&H costs. If you're a studio owner or manager, let's talk bulk!
When we say "small-batch" and "handmade," we aren't kidding. These items are made-to-order with love and care so: Feel free to ask questions or make special requests. Kindly understand that it may take a few days to prep your order, esp if you've customized anything (e.g., colors, quantities, fragrances, etc.). Many thanks in advance!
Yoga Mat Cleanser
Yoga Mat Cleanser
Wipe your yoga
mat down with this gentle cleanser. Contains witch hazel, water & essential oils (tea tree, lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus,
hyssop & rosemary). Handy
cloth optional.
2 oz. | $3.99+
Yoga Mat Wash
Yoga Mat Wash
Give your
yoga mat the occasional deep clean with this mild detergent. Contains gentle, fragrance-free liquid soap and 100% essential oils.
4 oz. | $5.99+
Yoga Bag Sachet
Yoga Bag Sachet
Keep your yoga
bag & gear (or purse or car...) smelling nice with this natural sachet. Opt for 1oz vial of 100% lavender essential oil. (Or add your own fave fragrance!)
1 pc | $4.99+
More Goodies!
Check out our other "stores" for fun and useful yoga gear (big surprise, we're sure), clothing, home goods, gifts, food and much more. Seriously items range from tank tops to bean snacks to satin pillowcases. Oh my!
Notes & Disclaimers: Real Originals orders are fulfilled by Teespring (a third-party company). It manages all inventory, payment processing, customer service, etc. Real Well has no control over Teespring's policies or processes. The storefront on the Real Originals page is actually their website; we've embedded it on the RW site for your ease and convenience. Real Recommendations are affiliate links to third-party sites, products and services. Your orders for items on the Real Recommendations page are placed with and processed/fulfilled by the third-party vendors you're clicking through to. Real Well has no control over third-party vendors' policies or processes. Real Well may earn compensation if you click through and/or ultimately make a purchase from these vendors. Be sure to read our Terms & Conditions for our various purchase-related policies. We'll do our best to keep ya Real Happy. 😊 Now go have fun shopping!